Captain Jim Fanning and Lady Captain Maria Mc Kenna have launched a super offer available for all new members. For a very limited period new members can join for 2015 on the 1st November 2014 and get the first two months free. This offer of 14 months for price of 12 gives new members an extra 2 months membership free.
Speaking to Jim Fanning Men’s Captain of Rossmore Golf Club he said that “ the club are always looking for new members and this gives them a great opportunity to get a head start before the New Year”. Lady Captain Maria Mc Kenna commented that “this offers the men an opportunity to get an early Christmas present for all the ladies in their life!”
To avail of this great offer contact Club Secretary Bertie Geary on 087 0528882 or Conor Callan on 086 1598544.
You can also ring the office on 047 81316.