Competition News (Demo)


The final week of the Spring League runs until Thursday when the top 14 teams plus ties will qualify for the final.

The final can be played anytime from Sunday 24th April –Sun May1st inclusive, it will be an 18 hole stableford off the blue markers & will be a qualifying competition. Enter through the pro-shop , one attempt only, no entry fee. Best 3 scores to count for each team & ties will be separated by the fourth card if necessary.
There will be prizes 1st to 4th teams, a prize for the top individual score in the final & also the weekly winners & the best individual total (5 best weeks).
Qualifying teams will be displayed in the mens locker room from Thursday evening.

Open Thursday is again sponsored by Troy Panels and The John Holland Cup is running Friday & Sunday. This competition is sponsored by Ballinode Sea Foods and will be a 3 category competition off the blue markers.