Rossmore Ladies January 31st (Demo)


Rossmore Ladies       January 31st


The clubhouse was a hive of activity on Friday night last as Cathy McKenna, winner of the Great Irish Bake Off demonstrated her culinary skills. Cathy prepared three dishes with such ease and skill and everyone had a chance to sample the food afterwards. Throughout the demonstration she chatted  to the audience and gave several great tips and suggestions about flavours in food. Cathy is very interested in nutrition and informed us of the health benefits of the various spices she was using in her dishes. A most enjoyable night was had by members and friends. Special thanks to Lady Captain Eileen and Lady Vice Captain Mary for all their hard work getting the venue ready. We wish Cathy every success in her baking and no doubt we will be hearing a lot more about her talents.

Spring league

Unfortunately bad weather over the past week has hampered all our best efforts at getting out to play in the Spring league. Storm Gertrude forced the closure of the course on Saturday and Sunday and so week 2 of the league was cancelled. Hopefully  week 3 will see all teams getting the chance to play in spite of storm Henry.

Competition Results

Well done to Tania Macklin, Bernie McFadden and Nastia Kovalenko who won the Three Person Scramble  with a score of 31 1/3 points.

9 Hole weekly competition Jan 18th -31st   winner Donna Adams with 20 points.

February competitions continue with a 9hole weekly and the Easter Hamper.